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Our primary goal is to develop self defence confidence, tolerance, discipline and compassion as well as a strong body. This is done in a friendly, relaxed training atmosphere supervised by instructors who understand the importance of personal attention and positive encouragement.

Striking and kicking skills are developed on kick shields and focus mitts, allowing for development of effective skills and power with no risk of injury. In short, Etana Filipino Martial Arts is extremely practical, a great all-round exercise for a healthy body, great for coordination, uncomplicated & easy to learn, and suitable for people of all ages and either gender.

Self defence is important as society becomes more complex. We read and hear daily accounts of violence and infringements of social morality. It is therefore necessary for everyone to learn to protect themselves and their loved ones. At Etana Filipino Martial Arts one of our main objectives is for our members to understand that not only the physical but also the psychological side of personal protection.

Etana Filipino Martial Arts incorporates the Filipino system of Kali. This unique system has the added benefit of training the right & left hemispheres of the brain to work together for coordination in the drills and an added dexterity of motion, which is quite hard to develop in traditional styles.

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